It’s a crazy time for us. In less than two years Matthew and I took the plunge and opened a little bakery in the midst of a global pandemic and world economic uncertainty. We are now getting ready to launch a second bake shop while the world seems to be at unrest and uncertainty. Every single day I get the questions of “How and Why are you opening a second location?” Two words for you….. LIVE LIFE.
When is there not uncertainty in life ? If we wait for a perfect time for anything none of us would ever move a muscle. Matthew and I are people of faith and though we don’t have assurance in success, we do have peace in following the path and opportunities placed before us. And what is the definition of success. I am learning as a seasoned adult that success is in the nuggets of living life as a verb.
Last night I dreamed of my amazing Grandmother. Probably because yesterday I quoted one of my grandmother’s pearls of wisdom to Matthew, and he mentioned that my grandmother had quite a few of those pearls of wisdom. She certainly did and she is the reason I am baking today and the reason for my faith in God and quite honestly anything good that I might do. This morning as I read from her bible and cherish her little notes within the scripture, I felt that peace and refreshment that I needed for the day.
There is always going to be chaos in the world. One of my favorite bible verses is Psalm 46:10 As I meditate on this verse I feel hope, peace and refreshment to pursue the path ahead.
I know everyone wants to know when Fluffing Feathers@ Vanilla Bean will be opening in Phelps. I don’t have the answer. We are as excited as you and doing everything we can on our end to get it open by early summer. Thank you for your excitement and support.
Take time to be still and breathe deep.
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