It’s an absolutely gorgeous Monday morning in Upstate New York. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. We had a morning shower and now everything feels and smells softer to me. The sweet soft smells of everything that is blooming and the soft smell that the air and grass seem to have, after the brief shower. The Hummingbirds seem to glide with an effortless softness as they approach my feeders. Everything seems to be welcoming me to the softer side of life.
Just last night, as I looked at pictures that my Sweet Matthew took, while we celebrated my granddaughter’s birthday. I noticed that the images of me had a softer look. Ugh, was my first thought. I’ve got to cut back on my sampling while I bake. Also, I better up my game because I’m a little soft…. However, as I welcome the soft air this morning, I also welcome the softness that has come over me. God teaches us that there is a season for everything and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Part of this new season for me, is one of being Grandmother. What a blessing that is. The experience of being a grandparent is one that is a softer experience than that of parent. What an amazing gift it is. Along the journey of nurturing our grandchildren, it brings a change .
You don’t have to be a grandparent to see and feel the softer side of life. That is just where I am and how God is speaking to me. As we start this new week, I’m going to breath deep and pause. Take in that Spring is here and be thankful for the little things.
As June quickly approaches, there are a ton of things that are on my list to accomplish. We have weddings and graduations to attend and a party to host. This Grandmother wants at least five pounds off this soft body, so I can kick some younger runners to the curb, at some summer races. Typically this could send me into a coiled spring ready to pop !! But, it’s a different season. It’s a softer season. As the late Doris Day sang, “Que Sera Sera”. Again, breath deep. May you too enjoy the softer side of life.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
Fantastic job!!! Very impressed with your work and your beautiful outlook on life and family.
From one Blue Star Mother to another๐๐