June is a special month every year. We have birthdays and special occasions to celebrate. This year we have more than usual. We have a family wedding in a couple of weeks. The week after, our youngest son graduates high school. We will have extra family home and the place will be bustling.
As you know, I am a home processor baker. So, it’s just me baking and creating these treats. So, I will be taking two weeks off from the Fluffing Feather’s baking starting on June 22nd. I will be back with a new menu and some fresh ideas starting on July 8th. Mark your calendars and keep following me on Facebook and Instagram, to see pictures of these events mentioned. I promise some pictures of tasty treats that are planned for the graduation party.
Remember there will be this weeks menu and then next weeks, before the baking menu vacation. Anyone that I have talked to about special orders, have no fear. Those commitments will be happily filled.
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